Globally diversified multi-asset portfolios providing institutions flexible solutions with the goal of achieving a range of investment objectives from income generation to maximum growth.
Our Philosophy
We believe investors should be compensated for the risks they take — in all market environments and any investment strategy.
Portfolios Designed to Improve Outcomes With Less Risk
It’s hard enough for institutions to reach their return targets given shifting yield curves, increasing volatility spikes and everchanging macroeconomic environments. High fees can make it worse. We built these portfolios to capitalize on opportunities and minimize the impact of market threats to meet a range investment objectives.
Portfolios Tailored to Institutional Investment Objectives
Seeks Attractive Risk-Adjusted Returns
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Principles of Investing
Establish a Resilient Foundation to Navigate Changing Markets
An optimal strategic allocation rooted in proprietary research and focused on the purposeful application of risk across asset classes provides a robust portfolio framework. Targeting only compensated risk, our team manages risk across the entire portfolio to attempt to consistently achieve expected outcomes.
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Principles of Investing
Thoughtfully Capitalize on Near-Term Market Opportunities
As long-term investors, we don’t chase performance or the latest fads. We seek to add value by exploiting near-term market opportunities via a disciplined tactical approach. Risk management techniques are incorporated to seek to conform tactical moves to investor expectations.
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How it works
Strategic Asset Allocation
Our time-tested strategic asset allocation process begins with Capital Market Assumptions, a 40+ hour annual process where our Investment Policy Committee forecasts long-term asset class returns.
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How it works
Portfolio Development
We work to develop two portfolios: a Risk Asset (market) Portfolio, comprised of high yield bonds, global equities and real assets, and a Risk Control (term) Portfolio, made up of cash, investment-grade and inflation-linked bonds.
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How it works
We then combine these two portfolios through an optimization process. The relative weighting depends on the investor’s level of risk aversion.
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How it works
Tactical Asset Allocation
The committee meets monthly to review the economic environment and identify opportunities and risks over a 12 month horizon resulting in base and risk case scenarios and potential changes to tactical asset allocation.
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How it works
Strategy Selection
For over 25 years, we have taken a factor-based approach to security selection. The primary tenets of our investing technique are our approach to quality, multi-factor construction, and purity in factor exposure.
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Who it's for
Long-Term Investors
Portfolios designed for a smoother investor experience throughout changing market conditions.
Risk-Aware Investors
Globally diversified portfolios designed to optimize the balance between risk and return.
Investors Seeking Cost-Effective Active Management
Portfolios implemented with cost-effective strategies and investment vehicles.
Trump’s Election Win: Thoughts on Today’s Reaction Across Financial Markets
Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential election win and Republican control of the Senate, both projected by major media outlets, have spurred notable reaction in the financial markets.
All securities investing and trading activities risk the loss of capital. Each portfolio is subject to substantial risks including market risks, strategy risks, advisor risk, and risks with respect to its investment in other structures. There can be no assurance that any portfolio investment objectives will be achieved, or that any investment will achieve profits or avoid incurring substantial losses. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. Risk controls and models do not promise any level of performance or guarantee against loss of principal. Any discussion of risk management is intended to describe NTAM’s efforts to monitor and manage risk but does not simply lower risk. This information is general in nature and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult a tax advisor or professional as to how this information may affect your particular circumstance.
Not FDIC Insured | May Lose Value | No Bank Guarantee
Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc., Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K., NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC, Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd, and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.
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