Efficient and effective data insights
Front Office Solutions simplifies investment data management for complex institutional investors with diversified portfolios.
Support your unique goals
A workspace built for portfolio managers and research staff providing data from internal and external sources. This includes tracking of meetings, emails and calls with a configurable design to customize workflow.
...Delivered in flexible ways

Manage your data with ease

Visualize data through charts and graphs

Access your records and contacts on the go

Export and share your data

Key integrations with outside software
Pushing the boundaries for our clients
Akin Akinwande, our Product Manager. “The positive attitude towards digital transformation inspired me to join the team, I figured joining a team going through process change, business model and cultural/organizational transformation would be rewarding.
I enjoy seeing members of the team collaborate on various projects. We have seen productivity increase by engaging partners during the development life cycle and I highly appreciate our culture where teamwork and collaboration can flourish. The team has a shared goal around product development.”
Latest Press Releases
Northern Trust Adds Mobile Access to Front Office Solutions Platform
Northern Trust Front Office Solutions Enhances Liquidity Management Solutions for Asset Owners
The new tool offers improved customization, efficiency and visualization for complex asset allocators.
Northern Trust Front Office Solutions Enhances Transparency into Investment Analysis Process
Advanced analytics tool provides investors with holistic views of liquid and alternative asset classes.
Business supporting complex asset owners adds new roles as demand for its leading-edge capabilities continues to grow.
Northern Trust Launches Operational Risk Consulting Service for Front Office Solutions Business
Northern Trust Front Office Solutions today announced the launch of Operational Risk Consulting, a bespoke service that provides management consulting with a specialized focus on investment operations.
See it in action
Want to see more? Schedule a demo with our team to learn more about the exciting features and services Front Office Solutions has to offer.
Front Office Solutions
On a mission to empower asset owners

© 2022 Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A. Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Products and services provided by subsidiaries of Northern Trust Corporation may vary in different markets and are offered in accordance with local regulation. For more information, read our legal and regulatory information about individual market offices. This material is directed to professional clients only and is not intended for retail clients. For Asia-Pacific markets, it is directed to expert, institutional, professional or wholesale clients or investors only and should not be relied upon by retail clients or investors. Issued in the United Kingdom by Northern Trust Securities LLP.